Network Topologies | Advantage & Disadvantage of BUS, RING, STAR, MESH, TREE, HYBRIDE Topology

Learn this topic 

-Understand and explain topology and it need.
-Advantage and Disadvantage of topologies.
-Explain different type of physical topological used in networking.

What is use topology and all info network topology

Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements (link,node,etc.) of a computer network. It is the topological structure of a network maybe depicted physical or logically.

Physical topology is a placement of a various component of a network including location and cable installation. while logical topology illustrates how data flow within a network.

There are a number of reasons to understand about All info network topologies.

  • The network topology is a factor in determining the media the used to cable the network.

  • The network topology impacts performance. 
  • The network topology impacts the cost of cabling the network.
  • Some access method work only specific topologies.
  • Knowledge of network layout / Topology helps to optimize the network performance troubleshoot network performance issue.

Type of Topologies and all info

There are 6 different of Network topologies. About all info network topologies.

  1. BUS Topology
  2. RING Topology
  3. STAR Topology
  4. MESH Topology
  5. TREE Topology
  6. HYBRID Topology 

Advantage And Disadvantage All Info Network Topologies 


Bus topology is a network where all the node are connected with each other with a single common cable. When one node want to access another node on the network then it puts a massage addressed to the device on the bus network.
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Advantage of BUS Topology

  • It is very easy to connect or node or peripheral in this network.

  • Bus network requires less cable length the any other topologies.
Disadvantage of BUS Topology

  • As a total network is depended on a single cable so if any problem occurs in the main cable.

  • This network cannot be used as a stand-alone solution in large building.

When each device is serially connected in the close ring pattern with a single cable then the network system is called ring topology. As a train crosses all the platforms to reach its destination ring topology dose the same to pass a massage from one to another node.

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Advantage of Ring Topology 

  • The network does not do anything without order. it need to access to token and the opportunity to transmit.
  • in this network each and every node has equal access to resource.
  • The performance does not get interrupted by any additional components.
  • Network server is a not needed to control the connection between nodes.

Disadvantage of Ring Topology

  • In this ring network if any node breaks down then the entire network system stop working.
  • The speed of transferring date in slower then any other topologies just because a packet of data passes through all the node between sender &  receiver.
  • The entire network to could be affected by moving, adding & changing of device.


In his configurating all node are connected to central hub with separated cables. Here the central node or hub act like the main server & the other node which are connected to the central node, act like the client server.
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Advantage of Star topology 

  • In this type of network it is very easy to add or remove a node to the network system.
  • Here if any fault occurs it very easy to find out and fix it up.
  • If anyone node faces problem, the rest nodes performs smoothly without effecting the whole network.

Disadvantage of Star Topology

  • It is a more expensive then any other topologies to build up the network because it requires excessive length of cable.
  • The central hub expensive which make the network more expensive.

Here each & every network is interconnected with each other. It work independently.

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Advantage of Mesh Topology

  • Adding or removing  node in this network could be done easily without interrupting the other node and the network.
  • Here the transmission of data is very easy to transfers data from the different nodes simultaneously. 
Disadvantage of Mesh Topology 

  • It is very hard to configure the network also very difficult to maintain.

  • Mesh topology is comparatively expensive when compared with other topologies like ring or star topology.

A tree topology looks like the branches of the tree were each & every nodes are connected with its parents node. It is also called by the name star+bus topology.

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Advantage of Tree Topology

  • Here finding out any fault it very easy and not to hard to maintain.
  • If one of the any nodes get damaged the other hierarchical nodes are note affected.
  • it is very easy to extend the network as much administrator wants.
Disadvantage of Tree Topology
  • The network requires high maintenance.
  • A lot of cable of required to establish the network system.
  • Troubleshooting of problem is highly difficult.


Hybrid topology is the combination of two or more different network topologies.

The network is a mixture of both Peer-to-Peer and client-server network. it can be either wire or wireless network.
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Advantage of Hybrid Topology

  • Here in the network the troubleshooting is far better then any other topologies.
  • This type of network it very easy to expend.
Disadvantage of Hybrid Topology 

  • The structure of the network is hard to understand.
  • It is  very expensive to build up the either network because of the requirement of cables and other peripherals.
  • Multi-section Access unit MAU is required. 

Network Topologies | Advantage & Disadvantage of BUS, RING, STAR, MESH, TREE, HYBRIDE Topology Network Topologies | Advantage & Disadvantage of BUS, RING, STAR, MESH, TREE, HYBRIDE Topology Reviewed by YourOnlineZone on 09 April Rating: 5
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