What is router and how does it work | Why would I need a router - your online zone

What is router and how does it work

Do you know what a Router is and how this Networking Device works. If you have any other questions with these questions in your mind, then I am going to answer them in this article today. You must have heard the name of Router because it is used for Internet nowadays. Whenever you leave the Mobile Network and access the Internet. Then you understand that you are accessing the Internet from a Wireless Networking Device.

Still I do not trust my words. Once you ask, Brother, do you use any device for wifi? His answer will definitely be addressed by today's article. The question also comes, what is the work of this device. Think you are a post man and your job is to send a letter to a different house every day. But you can send the letter only when you have their address and with this, you will also know which way is there to go to the letter's house. What is a router with a letter that works to send data to the receiver. Let us now know in detail about this Networking Device.

What is a router

Router is a Hardware Networking Device. It is used in the network. Whenever any data which travels from one network to another network as a Packet. The Router then receives the Packet data, and forwards the Destination Device after analyzing any hidden information in the Data Packet. This Networking Device is used to connect different networks to the Wire or Wirelessly. By the way, it is also used in the house, which we call Wireless Router. Which you access the Internet.

How does a router work?

As you know network OSI follows the model. Router works on Network Layer out of 7 Layer of OSI Model. I told you this device is made of hardware and software. It has an Internet work operating system, CPU, memory storage and some I / O ports as you might have seen. These operating systems are not like Windows or MAC. Routing Algorithm and Routing Table are stored in Storage Memory.

Through the Routing Algorithm and Routing Table, it is found out that the Input Packet has been received. Which network or which device to send that packet to. Which is called Analyze.

Why would I need a router?

As you know, Router works to forward Packet from one network to another. You can also say that it sends a packet from Source to Destination Address. Its main function is to receive the packet and Deliver the Receiver. You sent a Facebook message from your computer to your friend, who is currently in Delhi. First, the message is converted into a packet and reaches the nearest router. Now Router checks the Routing Table from the Routing Protocol.

The address and path distance of all the routers in the routing table are around them. Then after this, the packet is forwarded to the nearest Router, in which the IP address of the Receiver is kept. As soon as the packet reaches the next router, it again checks the shortest path and is sent to the next router. In this way, the packet reaches the Receiver Computer.

Components of Router

  • 1.     Processor (CPU)
  • 2.     Flash memory
  • 3.     Non-Volatile RAM
  • 4.     RAM
  • 5    Network Interfaces
  • 6.     Console

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

CPU processor which is a brain, it runs Special Software which is named OS. There are some OS like junos. RUN Juniper Routers and Cisco IOS run Cisco Routers. This operating system manages all the components of the routers.

Flash Memory:

Memory is required for every electronic device in which the operating system is stored. Compare Flash Memory with Computer, then it is a Hard Disk. This Flash memory contains Routing algorithm, Routing Protocol, Routing Table Store.

Non-Volatile RAM:

By its name, you must have understood that this memory is Permanent. Inside this is the Operating System Back up and Startup Version Store. Whenever Router is booted, then programs are loaded from this memory only.


Whenever Router On is done, the Operating System is loaded into the Ram. Router then determines Routes. From other Routers, it looks at the information of Routes (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS or BGP). ARP tables, routing tables, routing metrics and other data are stored inside the RAM. ARP tables, routing tables, routing metrics help Packet Forwarding Process Speed.

Network Interfaces:

Routes have a lot of network interfaces from us. There are a lot of drivers in the operating system. With the help of these drivers, the routers find out that which port is WIRE connected to which network. It is the ability to learn Routes from other Routers and Packet is transmitted on the right route.


All the work of managing and configuring the Router is done in the Console itself. Configuration and troubleshooting commands are provided from the console.

Functions of a Router 

  • ·        Prevents the LAN from broadcasting.
  • ·        It works like default Gateway
  • ·        Protocol Translation helps
  • ·        It works to make a route in the middle of the network.
  • ·        Works to deliver data from sender to Receiver
  • ·        Works to connect two networks.
  • ·        Keeps making loop free path
  • ·        Finds the shortest path to take Packet to Destination.

How is the routing table

The Routing Table is made up of many rules, as if its name is the Table. That is why it remains as a table from us. It is used to determine in which December the packet will be sent to the Internet Protocol Network. All the IP enabled devices like Router and Switches all use Routing Table.

The routing table contains all the information that can be used to make it easier to select the best path to send to the packet to Destination. Source and Destination are known in every packet. After the packet is received, the Network Device scans the packet and matches the information received with the Routing Table entry. After this, which packet will be forwarded to which network device, it is determined.

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What is router and how does it work | Why would I need a router - your online zone What is router and how does it work | Why would I need a router - your online zone Reviewed by YourOnlineZone on 12 April Rating: 5
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