Explain TCP IP Version 4 - Your online zone

 Explain TCP IP version 4

Understand feature of TCP/IP version 4, Transmission protocol/Internet  protocol version 4

An IPv4 is a 32-Bit address system, it uses dotted-decimal numbers. Explain an IP version 4 address look like

A subnet mask also knows as a "Sub Network" is identified as a part of an organization network.

A public IP is an IP address that can be accessed over the internet. Like a postal address used to delivering postal mail to your home, a public IP address is a globally unique IP address assigned to computer devices.

Private IP address on the other hand is used to assign on the computer within your private company space without letting them directly exposed to the internet.

CIDR ( Classless Inter-Domain Routing ) is a way to allow more flexible allocation on internet protocol (IP) address than was possible with the original IP address classes

Address Options for TCP/IP version 4 

We have 3 classes defined for computer networking. Are Class A, Class B, Class C are classified to be used in computer-based networking.

Additionally, IP version 4 offers a range of Non- Routable addresses also know as private addresses. These addresses assigned to the computer inside your organization. To rout these addresses on the public internet.

TCP/IP version 4 APIPA (Automatic Private IP Address) It has a range of 169.254.X.X Note.  APIPA occurs if your organization's DHCP Server is not accessible and can not provide the IP address to the connected clients or if there is an IP address conflict.

Configure TCP/IP version 4 network

To configure TCP/IP version 4 network. Following are the consideration.

Click on Window+R

Then right-click on an adaptor

Then again click on the properties

Static or Dynamic

When a device is assigned a static IP address. the address does not change. Most devices use dynamic IP addresses which by assigned by the network-based server, these dynamic addresses may change over time.

Subnet Mask 

A subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks an IP address and divides the IP address into network address and host address, subnet mask is made by setting network bits to all "1" and setting host bits all "0".


A gateway is a node or a router address in a computer network. The gateway decides to route the network traffic to another destination.

DNS Setting

DNS stands for Domain Name Server setting on your computer specify which DNS server will be used, or which IP address should be used for a particular domain or to access the internet.

Validate setting on exit is used to check if the IP address assigned is proper and should be not be used by other devices.

Learn more:-

What is network device and type

Explain TCP IP Version 4 - Your online zone Explain TCP IP Version 4 - Your online zone Reviewed by YourOnlineZone on 13 May Rating: 5
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